Friday, 22 March 2013


Today we completed the sequence!! :D

In the lesson we managed to put an effect on the sound to make beginning noises more muffled and therefore sound more diegetic (as if you were standing outside the party). We then created and added in the credits which will play during actual footage. And then we were finished.

I am happy with the outcome of our film, I think we have successfully created an effective opening sequence to a romantic/ coming of age film with the use of parallel sound, both diegetic and non diegetic; intercutting; interesting camera and editing techniques and an eye catching title sequence that fits the genre. There are a few minor details that could have been attended to, for example, I think maybe some of the credits during the footage are shown too quickly therefore reducing the effectiveness; and the transition between the hairspray and the party scene could have been slightly smoother. But the credits were placed to match action of screen therefore they have to be the same length of the footage and the transition is quite good considering the time time constraints we had. Also these are only very minor issues, therefore I am pleased with the way our film turned out and I am glad we are finished. :)

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


We decided to change our credits and make them more colourful as when we put them on the film we thought the white on black background looked a little too much like a horror film. The way in which we did the colours was based on the style of Mean Girls.  We also distorted some of the lettering and words to make it a little quirky and give a lighthearted feel to it.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


As the group had different ideas for what the credits should look like, we made two different sequences to see which style looked better.

In the end we decided the second sequence would work much better as it was much clearer to read and not too cheesy, but still was slightly girly so therefore still links to the genre.

Monday, 18 March 2013


Today we finally agreed on the name for our film which will be 'Snakes and Ladders'. We chose it as it helps to describe the ups and downs of relationships and also hints to the idea that  at a young age love is just a game. I like the name as i think anything with love in the title like our previous ideas such as 'Not Another Love Story' and 'Love at First Sight' were way to cheesy for our genre.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013


In today's lesson we continued editing the sequence which went really well and we got about three quarters of the way through and then Nicola stayed during her free period and managed to finish the rough editing of the end of the sequence. I was very pleased that we managed to finish editing the entire sequence in a very short period of time because it means we are now somewhat caught up to where we were before the burglary  and so we can now focus on refining the film and getting all the finishing touches like sound and credits perfect.

Nicola and I then stayed after school. I focused on refining the sequence by making the match on action perfect, re-sizeing shots and cutting out unwanted sounds etc. which went well and now the sequence flows a lot more smoothly and fits into the time frame. Nicola had a go at creating some music since she hadn't attempted that yet, it sounded quite good however it was difficult to get the right upbeat kick to the music without making it sound too cheesy, also, on the other hand, it was hard to find a guitar that didn't sound to dark. But overall it was good because it moved away from the club sounding music which we did not want.

Monday, 11 March 2013


In today's lesson we continued editing, which is going well as we have completed over a quarter of the sequence already. However, we do still need to go over it and refine the clips as there are some sound and lighting problems but we will deal with these issues once we have got the whole sequence roughly edited.

After school the whole group stayed to continue with the editing, however, there was an issue in that another group was using the computer we work on and therefore we were unable to edit. Because of this we decided to delegate other tasks that we could do on other computers, so Nicola was working on the behind the scenes footage, and Iveta, Natalie and I were working on getting some sorts of music clips together for the party scenes and for the boy and girl getting ready, which went well as Iveta and Natalie found some good loops that would work well with the getting ready scenes as they would work for both genders. We still need to check whether it matches the footage properly but I think it should work quite well. I was focused more on the party music which was very difficult as it is really hard to find loops which sound party-like as most of the beats are more club sounds.

Friday, 8 March 2013


Today we continued editing the sequence, which is going quite well as we all remember how it was before, therefore we are able to push through quickly as we have a clear idea of what it needs to look like. Our main focus for the upcoming week is to just get the whole sequence edited roughly, which I don't think will take us that long, and then we will work on refining it and making the sound and titles etc.

Thursday, 7 March 2013


Today the software was installed and so we were able to make a start at re-editing our sequence. As we our now using adobe pro instead of final cut, today's lesson was mainly spent getting used to the new editing software and so we only edited a small amount of the sequence.